Saturday, March 23, 2013

Terrors of The Night Cure

When I was younger I had a really hard time sleeping. I had bad nightmares, I would sleep walk and talk and sometimes I would wake up into a panic attack. As I have gotten older my sleeping problems have not decreased. I still have really bad nightmares all the time and I still wake up in a panic. 

I have read many different posts online about how to help with sleeping problems, I have tried so many of the suggestions and ideas. But I still have trouble sleeping. I'm going to list a couple of things I have tried because they may be able to help others with sleeping problems. 

1) The first thing that people recommend is to set a sleeping schedule. Make sure your getting a full 8 hours of sleep. Set a time that you go to sleep every night and set a time to wake up every morning, even on your days off from work or school. This will get you into a schedule so your body will feel more rested. 

2) Make your bedroom a peaceful environment. Dim the lighting, turn your T.V off and try to read a calming book. Some people suggest to not have a T.V in your bedroom at all. And when I say a calming book....I mean something without action, drama and romance because those types of books are very interesting and may keep your mind wandering even after you put your book down. You want a calm book that will just relax you, there are lots of inspirational book, or even a book of poems. 

3) Some sites recommend doing some yoga positions or meditation before bed. To calm your body and mind.

4) Taking a nice long hot bath can also help to calm your mind and body. 

5) There is also the practice of visualization. Before you go to sleep close your eyes and think of some happy thoughts. Think of things that you would like to dream about. Thinking about these things right before you go to bed can actually help you to dream of nice things.

6) There is always the option of medication...But I think that should be a last resort!!

Now my sleeping problems still exist and I have not found anything to stop them but I have tried some new things that have helped a little. These last two suggestions are two things I have tried recently and I have only had one bad night in about a week since I incorporated these into my sleeping schedule.

-The first is to have some happy signs around you, paint a picture of something that makes you smile, or draw something, or even just write a quote/song/words that make you happy. Hang those up on your wall all around your bed. I love the show "The Big Bang Theory" and I love Sheldon Coopers "Soft Kitty" song so I drew a picture of that and put that next to my bed. I smile every time I look at it. 

-The second new thing I have been doing may sound a little weird. I went online and researched different cultures to see spiritual objects or creatures meant to protect you from bad dreams. I found a story about a creature named "Baku." He is a creature from Chinese/Japanese culture and he is called the dream eater. So I wrote "Baku please protect me from nightmares" on some paper and hung it above my bed. 

Now I am not saying these last two suggestions have cured my nightmares but for the past week they have helped, so I am going to keep them up and see how long it helps. 

Now I do realize that some of the these may be all mind over matter, it's kinda like tricking your brain into thinking these things are helping. But I really don't care how it helps as long as it helps me get a good nights sleep. So Those are my suggestions and the things I have found online said to help. If you have trouble sleeping then give one of these a try or try all of them. Let me know if any of them help you. 

Oh and if you like this post subscribe to my blog. I will be posting some more things about how to help in situations. Right now I am actually working on a list of things to help get through a breakup.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I started a new job recently so I have been really busy the last two weeks. But I have a topic I will be working on over the next few days and then post on here. 

I have always had trouble sleeping. When I was younger I had night terrors, nightmares, I would sleep walk, and sleep talk. 
As I got older I walked and talked less in my sleep but it still happens on occasion. But my biggest problem still is nightmares. I have several each week, sometimes several a night. I have woken up screaming, crying, fighting, and just terrified sometimes. 

I have had the normal nightmares where someone is chasing me or I'm falling but a lot of nightmares are about things that have happened in my life. I'm going to write a post about some of my nightmares and I'm also going to write about some things I have read that can help with nightmares. I'm hoping I can stop some of my nightmares. Because I know what not sleeping well can do to a person. 

So if you have problems sleeping. If you have any nightmares or problems that I listed about then check back for my next post about nightmares. I'm hoping I can help myself and maybe some others, And if I cant help then at least know that your not alone!
Thank you for reading.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

An Eye Opener

My life isn't really going as I planned. I have had a lot of set backs and I'm not sure what to do to get back on track. I have always had big dreams. I use to dream about acting and singing. But those are two of the hardest professions to get into. Im not the best singer and I know that, but I love singing. I love music it's my passion. No matter how my day is going all I have to do is put my ear phones in and escape the world. Some songs take me to past memories and some make me think of my dreams for the future. 

I saw this video on TV the other day so I looked it up on youtube and I have fallen in love with the song. Because it makes me want to keep pushing for my dreams no matter how far away they seem. The song makes me never want to give up. I hope everybody has a dream that they want to push towards. What is your dream? Have you given up or are you willing to try to reach it no matter what.


I know one of my New Years Resolutions was to blog more and I have been really lacking with that one. I have been writing down a lot of things I want to blog about but I just haven't had time to actually get on my computer to type them up. My laptop charger stopped working so now I have to borrow my moms when I can.

A lot has happened so far in 2013. I'm hoping I can get online more to actually blog soon cause I have so much I want to talk about. I have been going through a lot lately in my personal life.
I have been trying to write more songs again, I may post some of them on here. Im working on one right now called "Brokenhearted" I just cant get the music right for it though. Maybe when I completely finish it I will make a video for it and include it in a post. But I'm not sure yet. 

I also start my new job this upcoming week so that will be good and crazy. Because I will be working part time on call which means I could be called in for work anytime. I know this isn't that interesting but I just wanted to give a very small update on what's going on and why I haven't been posting. I will try to post something more interesting in the next few days. 

If your reading this then thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I promise it will get more interesting. :)